Dark Ghost the Masked Detective
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Dark Ghost Journal March 4, 2015
Just a few days after my daughter was born on Monday March the 2nd at 10:30 pm an weighed in a 6 pounds 16 ounces. I went out for a smoke. Gas station across the street alarm going off but no cars on lot or around back so I went to check it out and found nothing doors still locked and no broken windows. I called the police and was told that they would send a car to look in to it. Also I possibly save a retired private detective`s life he was in for double pneumonia. He was out side smoking and got to feeling very weak I ran and got a nurse and while she was tending to him I ran and got a wheelchair and took the old fellow up to his room. I talk with him a bit and got him to give up his cigarettes at least till he gets home and got him to give the his last pack to the nurse till he is discharged. The later helped a man to find I lost keepsake that belonged to his sick wife a small gold baby ring that she had since she was two it had fallen off the keychain. He had to get take some important in to his wife's doctor but did not want to go in with out it cause he new it would upset his wife. I told him I would find it go take in what the doctor needs. I found it and waited for him in the main lobby a few minutes later he returned and I gave him the ring.
Friday, February 20, 2015
Dark Ghost Journal Feburay 19th, 2015
Police say Cameron Shepherd is not believed to be in danger; he may have had assistance leaving. Authorities confirmed he has run away from home before, calling him a "repeat offender."
Some think he may travel to Rock Spring, Georgia.
Shepherd is five feet and two inches tall, and has brown hair and brown eyes.
He was last seen wearing blue jeans, a gray jacket and gray tennis shoes.
Anyone with information regarding his whereabouts is asked to call police at 423-698-2525.
He's from Rossville GA, and he lived behind Bi-Lo in Rossville.
I went out looking for this kid today. News says he is not believed to be in danger, which to me makes no sense because they believe the boy had help leaving. For all they know, the one that help the kid leave could be some pervert, and also the temperatures have not been above freezing since this kid went missing. The cold has already claimed one life here in Chattanooga Tennessee, and if this child is out in it - he could be the next. I pray that does not happen.
The news also said that the boy is a repeat offender runaway, but, something in my gut is telling me that there are a few questions that someone should be asking, yet it seems to me that no one is asking them.
Question one: "Why does this young boy of 13 keep running away?" Since this boy keeps running away, there has to be a reason. Now granted, there are a large number of thing that could be the reason, but there are also a few that I think should be looked into. E.g., "Are his parents on drugs?" "Is the boy being beaten at home?" or "Is he just a rebellious boy with teen angst?"
The other question that people should be asking is: "Why did this young teen wait till the weather was deadly cold to run away?" Yes this is a young kid we are talking about, but even a child knows that this kind of weather we have been having here in Chattanooga can kill you - I mean temperatures in the teens and twenties, rain, ice, and light snow, kids know that is not safe to be out in.
Something else bugging me about this case, is that an Amber Alert was not sent out. Yes he is a runaway, but he is still just a young teen that may have had help leaving. If he wanted to go or not, this still counts as kidnapping as my understanding of the law goes. Now if this kid is in a bad living situation and this person is trying to help this kid, the way he went about it still is illegal, and there are legal ways they could have helped this boy if that was the case.
What ever the case may be I will continue my search for this kid since some seem to think he could be heading to Rock Springs, Georgia I will search that small town this weekend.
UPDATE : February 24 2015
The kid has been found but there are still many unanswered questions.
Why did this boy of 13 runaway?
Why did he wait to they weather turned deathly cold with ice and snow falling?
Who was this person the police think help the boy to runaway?
Also I am glad the young teen was found but this raises a new question?
Where was he found?
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Tennessee mask Laws
There is nothing in the Tennessee State Code forbidding the simple wearing of a mask or disguise without criminal activity or intent. It is only addressed at all in the section regarding civil rights intimidation. I can't find a mention of masks in the Chattanooga City Code at all, & if Hamilton County has a separate code, I can't find it online.
Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-17-309 (2011)
Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-17-309 (2011)
39-17-309. Civil rights intimidation.
(a) The general assembly finds and declares that it is the right of every person regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion or national origin, to be secure and protected from fear, intimidation, harassment and bodily injury caused by the activities of groups and individuals. It is not the intent of this section to interfere with the exercise of rights protected by the constitution of the United States. The general assembly recognizes the constitutional right of every citizen to harbor and express beliefs on any subject whatsoever and to associate with others who share similar beliefs. The general assembly further finds that the advocacy of unlawful acts by groups or individuals against other persons or groups for the purpose of inciting and provoking damage to property and bodily injury or death to persons is not constitutionally protected, poses a threat to public order and safety, and should be subject to criminal sanctions.
(b) A person commits the offense of intimidating others from exercising civil rights who:
(1) Injures or threatens to injure or coerces another person with the intent to unlawfully intimidate another from the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured by the constitution or laws of the state of Tennessee;
(2) Injures or threatens to injure or coerces another person with the intent to unlawfully intimidate another because that other exercised any right or privilege secured by the constitution or laws of the United States or the constitution or laws of the state of Tennessee;
(3) Damages, destroys or defaces any real or personal property of another person with the intent to unlawfully intimidate another from the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured by the constitution or laws of the state of Tennessee; or
(4) Damages, destroys or defaces any real or personal property of another person with the intent to unlawfully intimidate another because that other exercised any right or privilege secured by the constitution or laws of the United States or the constitution or laws of the state of Tennessee.
(d) A violation of subsection (b) is a Class D felony. A violation of subsection (c) is a Class A misdemeanor.
(e) The penalties provided in this section for intimidating others from exercising civil rights do not preclude victims from seeking any other remedies, criminal or civil, otherwise available under law.
Friday, June 27, 2014
The Truth about Tothian
There is a man in the RLSH community going by the name Tothian, a man I have known now for two and half years. I once called this man a friend and he even helped Mystery Man and I out when we were going through financial troubles - which we did not ask him to do - but then he threw it in our faces. So if this man ever offers to send you some money, no matter how much he says he wants to send, I would advise not taking it. I helped him as best I could build up his forum called the Heroes Network by linking it on my craigslist ads, my blog, and my Twitter account. I told any new RLSH I met about the site. There were times when he would talk about shutting down his forum and I would talk him out of it thinking that we needed his forum. Before he deleted me from his forum he started using Icons on there I had found for my forum. When I found out my grandma had lung cancer he called and talked to her and was praying for her and wished her well. Now Tothian says that he does not wear a mask, but that is a false statement on his part for he does wear a mask but one that can not be seen. He wears a mask of false friendship and kindness. I pray you to allow me to tell about the real man behind this mask, to tell you the truth about the man whom calls himself Tothian.
Tothian will start out being a nice guy and all, but get to know him, in time you will see that is not who he really is. He slow shows his true colors. He will start making little harmless jokes about you even though you will not like the jokes you will over look them cause you think they are all in good fun but then he starts doing this in front of other with out any regard how it will make you look to others. Tothian will also ask you not to do things and sometimes chew you out for doing things but then will turn around and to them himself. This is that mask just starting to crack. After that he will began to do things to make himself feel big and you feel small, then when you try to talk to him about it he will just tell you to quit acting like a little girl or he will try to blame it on his OCD which he uses as a crutch to try and justify his bad behavior. There was this one time he was trying to make me look foolish in his chat room so I left and went to mine and others moved to my chat room. He then accused me of turning people against him, when truth be told if he wants to see who is turning people against him he needs only to look in a mirror.
On his Forum the Heroes Network he calls himself the President when he was not elected to that position and acts more like a power mad dictator if it was not for his (at the time) live in girlfriend and Vice president Showstopper his forum would not be what it is now. Now what did Showstopper get for all this? A place to stay and how did he treat her? Like crap that is how. I have heard him yell and carry on at her and tell her I want you the **** out of my house. When I would talk to him he would talk about calling the cops to get her out of his house. He was going to throw her out one time and he found her writing a suicide note saying not to blame Tothian that she was the one at fault. This guy does not do patrols at night any more when the crimes really go done ne he has it in his head that any time you go out that is a patrol and he says the reason he does not go out any more is because of Showstopper.
When I made my own forum the Heroes Alliance that stressed him out - the guy claiming to want to make more leaders then followers. Said I was going to split the community then he tried to tell me that since I made my forum that he could shut his down and send ShowStopper back to her abusive parent's home where she would likely kill herself and that that blood would be on my hands and I quickly told him what that was bull crap. That is how he treated others on his forum like my childhood friend and partner in crime-fighting Mystery Man. I brought Mystery Man to the Heroes Network for a while he and I where moderators on there and thing where great. Then we started to notice things about Tothian. Things such as how any one he did not like he would call them evil and a villain but he never said it in a post he would only say this about them in chats or on the phone so that there was no proof of him saying it. Then he would also delete people off the forum over small things like calling him by this name on FaceBook or cutting his name short and these where people who where going out there and going after the criminals in their areas of operation. One other thing, Tothian would like to do is try to get me to prank call others in the community and after bugging to do one I finally did just to get him to finally leave me alone about it. Now Mystery Man a number of times wanted to leave the Heroes Network and every time I would talk him out of it is only now that I was wrong to do so. There was one time that Mystery Man said that he would no longer take part in the conference calls cause all we did on there was shoot the breeze and that was true that is all we did but cause Mystery Man posted that Tothian took Mystery Man's Moderator status away and I tried to speak out against it and for that my Moderator status was taken and it was then I made the Heroes Alliance.
After a time Tothian talked me in to abandon the Forum I had made and return to his promising that he would stop and would try to do better as a forum leader but it did not take long for him to not just go back to his old self but worse then before. Now Tothian has it in his mind that he is the Arch Angel Michel in human form and he has said this often, but I never believed it nor will I ever but cause I finally told him this he saw fit to loose his venom on me saying that because I do not believe he is the arch angel that that shows faithlessness. Then this man says that because I call myself Dark ghost that that name opens doors and until I abandon my dark faithless ways more bad will happen to me. Now like I have said before I have a grandma who we found out is fighting cancer and he says this to me like my name is the reason she has cancer. Now since my faith was bought up allow my to clear this up. I have faith in GOD and that he sent he one and only son Jesus Christ in to this world who was born of a virgin to die on the cross so that my sins could me wash away. I am PROUD to have Christ in my heart and in my life and I know that when my day of judgment comes that my name will be in the Lamb's Book of Life. Now as for Tothian I told him that he has no right to judge me which he has denied doing but because he was judging me based on my name that he was no better then another RLSH whom was doing the same thing only a few months ago. With that Tothian commanded me in the name of Jesus to leave the community and to stop talking to all the people I had met thanks to him. Well I am not going anywhere I am here to stay for it was God that lead me to this path and it is God and only God that can take me off of this path and as for not talking to those I have met thanks to him well he has no say who I can and can not talk to.
Now this just thing that I have experienced with him I have talked to a another RLSH by the name of Knight Hawk who has told me that Tothian has called her late at night after she has asked him not to call that late; when he did he woke everyone in her home and did not care and even mocked her for not being able to have calls at all hours of the night so she asked him to never call or text her again. Well Tothian kept contacting her and she reported him to the police and they told him to leave her alone or they would file a warrant for his arrest and have him form his area to hers to face charges of harassment. He texted her yet again asking her if she was a villain for calling the cops on him and she again went to the police who gave him a final warning and Tothian said "Bring it on." I remember one time Tothian and I were talking about what is the cops started arresting RLSH he told me that he would kill himself before he would let the cops take him in and then he tells a cop to bring it on when he is warned to leave a female RLSH alone or they will issue a warrant for his arrest. Now me I have Tothian block on both Twitter and Facebook but he is still able to see my posts so that means that he has another account set up to spy on others with or that he has some telling him when I make post about him. Geist told Polarman that Tothian was calling the landline all hours of the night when he was told only call the cellphone because the family needed to keep that line open incase the hospital called with news of a family member in case the member takes a turn for the worst Geist never gave Tothian that number he looked up Geist's real name then got them out of the phonebook.
Now Tothian is a man that will ask you to respect his privacy and boundaries but yet when it comes to your own privacy and boundaries he could not care less to the point that he has sexually harassed female RLSH and tries to push his sick foot fetish on to just about everyone that he talks to. Tothian is also the kind of man who thinks just cause he says it makes it true. He even went as far to tell someone that he will no longer talk to them cause this person has contenued to talk to me and telling people who are on my friends list on Facebook to block me and if they do not then he blockes them. Now I am not write this for any other reason but to show Tothian's true colors. Forget about all the forums and all that junk, heck forget the whole blasted community for right now as a matter of fact. Now I have no plans to publish this unless Tothian start trying to say I am evil, calls me a villain or reviles my true identy and info which would be putting me and my friends and family in danger.
In the time since he and I have parted ways he has been making up lies about me. Here is one lie Tothain is trying to spread about me. He is telling people that I treated my ex-girlfriend badly and he knows damn well that is a lie. Since he is spreading that lie please allow me to tell you the truth about me and Lonestar. I moved to Florida to be with her leave my family, friends, and a job I had for a year and a half. Well when I first got there things were great for a week so then I started looking for a job that that is when she started treating me like a piece of shit no matter what I did it was never good enough for her. Then I got a job and she just got worse even though I bought her any thing she ever asked of me. The was this one time I was really bad sick. I tried to get up and go to the bathroom but my leg gave out and I tried to make it on my hands and knees but sadly I did not I puked and shit all over the hallway then went to the bathroom. Her father forced her to take me to the ER and he helped me to the car and on the way there all she did was bitch cause we had to replace the carpet. A few weeks later after I had gotten better she called saying she had a blow out on the way home from work so I went to help her. I got there but all she did was yell and curse at me but I still went to changing her tire and she then started yelling and cursing at me even more. Well this guy she knew from work "just happened" to live right there he show up and she as sweet as can be with a big smile on her face says " Oh hi Josh" she turns to me and says "Ok you can go home now." I later found out that while she and I were together she was cheating on me with this Josh guy. Tothian knows all of this yet he chooses to lie and say I treated her badly.
Now all that you have read above are first and secound experiences, but now do a search for him on the net and you find some of his misdeeds and proof of his ego out in cyberspace. Below is what I have found about him on the internet and had I researched him sooner I would not have ever had a conversation with the this man and I would not have definded him like I once did.
Tothian has it in his head that he is the Archangel Micheal in human forum well lets look at that starting with the Ten Commandments and see just how many this "archangel in human forum" has broken.
1. Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.
2.Thou shalt not make unto three any graven image.
3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
Well if any one has even known Tothian for a good while we know that he has broken this commandment. He is always saying "God damn it" and "Jesus Christ" when he in angry, frustrated, or up set.
4. Remember the Sabbath day. To keep it holy.
The Sabbath day is Saturday that is in the Bible which is the word of god. Tothian has it in his head the Sunday is the Sabbath day. So if Tothian is treating Sunday and not Saturday as the Sabbath day then how is he keeping the Sabbath day holy?
5. Honor thy father and thy mother.
Well when ShowStopper first moved in with he says he kept her hide in his room for a few days. Now he lives in Mom and Dads home and he did not tell them about her living there that is not honoring then.
6. Thou shalt not kill.
7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Well again anyone that has known Tothian long enough knows that he has broken this commandment. he has talked about his one night stands he has had and he is not married to Showstopper and he has talked him and her and their foot fetish . How he like to smell and lick Showstopper;s feet and one time he was saying how she sound like a mature women while they were in the act.
8. Thou shalt not steal.
9. Thou Shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
Well we Tothian has done this like the lie he told about Dark Ghost treating an ex-girl badly when he knows himself that is a lie and has, before he and Dark Ghost parted ways, told people the it was the girl that treated him badly.
10. Thou shalt not covet.
Well Frank Castel and his King Solomen sword he saw that and said : oh you have one of those I want one of those I have always wanted one of those"
Now that is six out of the ten Commandments that Tothian has broken now if he was truly the archangel Michael in human form he would not have broken even one of these commandments but I just showed you that he has broken six of them. Now I am not perfect I have broken one or two of the commandments before and I have asked Father God in Heaven to forgive me and with every prayer I still do.
Now you would think that an "archangel in human form" would know the Bible and would not put himself in Jesus' place in the Bible. Well Tothian has done just that by say that he is going to lead the rebel Christens in a battle against the Anti-Christ and that he is going cast the Anti-Christ in to the lake of fire' Well in the Bible in the Book of Revelation chapter 10 verse 10 through 14 "And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful." The in Relelation chapter 19 verse 11 though 21 it says "And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God; That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great. And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army. And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh."
On urbandictionary.com when you seach his name the first thing that you will see is that he has post himself that he is the leader of the real life superheroes. Now I always thought that a true leader lead by example. Tothian is not the leader the RLSH as the RLSH has not real leader but if Tothian thinks himself a leader then I dare say that he is a piss poor leader I mean his you look at your history any leader who acted like Tothian does was rebaled against and over thrown by the very people they lead.
On superheroeslives.com Tothian wrote that he definds freedom well that is what he claims but if you are on his forum Heroes Network then you will see that is not the case cause as I have said earlier he wants things his way but yet he again puts on the mask of a good leader by acting like he will hear you out but then he feeds you a load of bull about why that is a bad idea and then also is you speak out against something he has done that you do not agree with then will start doing what he can to embarassing you in front of others and the more you disagree with him the worst he gets till he starts lashing out at you. So I ask where is the freedom on his forum?
On z-thetribe.blogspot.com I learned that Tothian made treats to call another RLSH's place of work and make false claims the this RLSH had plains to report to work and shoot up the place. Here is a quote between Tothian and this other RLSH."You're fat and you're a faggot. That's why you have to post so many pics with you and all the women you meet. If you don't be my friend, I'll tell everyone you're a nut with a gun who wants to shoot everybody."
On the RLSH.net aother RLSH who has been around for a long time in the community and has worked with and hung out with him said "Tothian has a history of mental illness, manipulating others, attention seeking and highly irrational behavior. He gains people's trust and uses personal information from private conversations to create drama and controversy." This can be seen on page two of the thread Big Announcement. I would have to say that in my time knowing Tothian I now see what this person mean and I completely agree with them.
If you are reading this that means I have learned one, two, or all of these things has happened and if Tothian has given out my infomation then below you will find all that I have leaned about him no matter how small it may be.
Real Name: On File
Home Address: On File
Home Phone #On File
Cell Phone # On File
The home he live in was built in 1976 and is a 2118 square foot property class 2 home that sites on lot number 4 and is owned by Emery R and Barbara
Toth. It was sold to them on 10-25-1989 for $49500.00
Also to read what all he did to his Ex girlfriend just check out her own blog post about him http://showstopper-reverend.blogspot.com/2014/06/what-happened-to-me-aka-truth-about.html
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Murderd Street Woman
Melissa Michelle Ward
Case Number: 04-087386
Race: White
Sex: Female
DOB: 04-12-1971
Age: 33
Height: 5’1”
Weight: 90
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Case Status: Unsolved
On 11-02-04 Melissa Michelle Ward was reported missing to the Chattanooga Police Department.
Ms. Ward had been arrested in the past on prostitution and drug charges and her death may have been related to association with criminals
Missy was last seen on 10-29-04 at about 1900 hours, when she got into a late model red Ford Pick-up Truck with a white camper top, at the BI-Lo parking lot on 23rd Street. The drive of the vehicle was described as a W/M, salt and pepper hair, in his 50’s. Missy was last seen wearing a blue dress and no shoes.
On December 05, 2004 the decomposed body of Melissa Ward was found on Cash Canyon Road.
From the News Channel 3 web site
HAMILTON COUNTY, TN. (WRCB) -- A man charged with raping two young girls this summer is being looked at in connection with a murder from six years ago.
Earlier this month 46-year-old Christopher Johnson was charged with allegedly raping and kidnapping a relative and one of her friends.
Channel 3 and our partners at the Times Free Press have learned from multiple sources that Johnson has been interviewed in connection with the murder of Melissa 'Missy' Ward.
Ward's remains were found in a remote area of Lookout Valley in 2004. Her case went cold until two weeks ago when the Hamilton County Sheriff's Office suddenly reopened it.
Dawn Johnson says she was shocked to learn her sister's 6-year-old murder case was not only reopened, but that detectives interviewed a man she's never heard of before.
"She looked up to me," Johnson says. "She would say all the time that she wanted to be like me."
The last few weeks have been bittersweet for Johnson.
"I'm excited because hopefully we'll have closure," she says. "Hopefully they'll catch the person that did this."
Two weeks ago, after receiving new information, detectives searched the area off Cash Canyon Road where Ward's remains were found in 2004.
Johnson says investigators told her in 2004 they were looking for a serial killer.
"They were telling us it could be a serial killer," she says.
The Sheriff's Office won't officially go that far. Johnson says her sister had a drug problem and one prostitution arrest in Hamilton County, but that shouldn't matter.
"She didn't die because she was a prostitute or a drug addict," Johnson says. "She died because she was with the wrong person."
After two days of searching the woods again, detectives pulled out. Sheriff Hammond won't say exactly what someone said that led them back to the original crime scene.
"There's some sensitive information that we need to keep quiet about for the case," Hammond says. "We can't comment."
Although the sheriff's office won't officially name a suspect, Channel 3 has learned from multiple sources that Christopher Johnson has been interviewed in connection with the murder.
To Dawn Johnson it's all still an unfolding mystery. She just wants to know what happened.
"You see on TV people say 'why'," Johnson says. "You think, 'that's so crazy', but I want to know why she was targeted."
Johnson says her sister was last seen getting into a red pick-up truck outside a grocery story.
Christopher Johnson appeared in court two weeks ago on his latest charges, he is still in custody.
From the Chattanoogan.com site
Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office investigators are looking into new evidence involving the 2004 murder of Melissa Ward. They are also searching for the possiiblity of additional bodies near where that of Ms. Ward was found in the Tennessee River Gorge. On Thursday, prisoners helped clear a wooded area at the search site.
On Dec. 5, 2004, bones were located at 1580 Cash Canyon Road in a wooded area that were later identified through a forensic examination as belonging to Ms. Ward.
The victim had been reported missing by her family to law enforcement on Nov. 2, 2004.
Authorities said, "A ground search is being conducted of the area where Melissa Ward’s remains were located in December 2004. Interviews with persons of interest are being conducted by investigators in an attempt to bring closure to this active homicide investigation."
The body had been found by attorney Bryan Hoss in a remote area off Cash Canyon Road.
A month later, then-Sheriff John Cupp said it was that of 33-year-old Melissa Michelle Ward.
He said Ms. Ward had been arrested in the past on prostitution and drug charges. He said her death may have been related to association with criminals.
Sheriff Cupp said she had been murdered.
Attorney Hoss and his wife were looking at a lot near the Tennessee River that was for sale.
Case Number: 04-087386
Race: White
Sex: Female
DOB: 04-12-1971
Age: 33
Height: 5’1”
Weight: 90
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Case Status: Unsolved
On 11-02-04 Melissa Michelle Ward was reported missing to the Chattanooga Police Department.
Ms. Ward had been arrested in the past on prostitution and drug charges and her death may have been related to association with criminals
Missy was last seen on 10-29-04 at about 1900 hours, when she got into a late model red Ford Pick-up Truck with a white camper top, at the BI-Lo parking lot on 23rd Street. The drive of the vehicle was described as a W/M, salt and pepper hair, in his 50’s. Missy was last seen wearing a blue dress and no shoes.
On December 05, 2004 the decomposed body of Melissa Ward was found on Cash Canyon Road.
From the News Channel 3 web site
HAMILTON COUNTY, TN. (WRCB) -- A man charged with raping two young girls this summer is being looked at in connection with a murder from six years ago.
Earlier this month 46-year-old Christopher Johnson was charged with allegedly raping and kidnapping a relative and one of her friends.
Channel 3 and our partners at the Times Free Press have learned from multiple sources that Johnson has been interviewed in connection with the murder of Melissa 'Missy' Ward.
Ward's remains were found in a remote area of Lookout Valley in 2004. Her case went cold until two weeks ago when the Hamilton County Sheriff's Office suddenly reopened it.
Dawn Johnson says she was shocked to learn her sister's 6-year-old murder case was not only reopened, but that detectives interviewed a man she's never heard of before.
"She looked up to me," Johnson says. "She would say all the time that she wanted to be like me."
The last few weeks have been bittersweet for Johnson.
"I'm excited because hopefully we'll have closure," she says. "Hopefully they'll catch the person that did this."
Two weeks ago, after receiving new information, detectives searched the area off Cash Canyon Road where Ward's remains were found in 2004.

"They were telling us it could be a serial killer," she says.
The Sheriff's Office won't officially go that far. Johnson says her sister had a drug problem and one prostitution arrest in Hamilton County, but that shouldn't matter.
"She didn't die because she was a prostitute or a drug addict," Johnson says. "She died because she was with the wrong person."
After two days of searching the woods again, detectives pulled out. Sheriff Hammond won't say exactly what someone said that led them back to the original crime scene.
"There's some sensitive information that we need to keep quiet about for the case," Hammond says. "We can't comment."
Although the sheriff's office won't officially name a suspect, Channel 3 has learned from multiple sources that Christopher Johnson has been interviewed in connection with the murder.
To Dawn Johnson it's all still an unfolding mystery. She just wants to know what happened.
"You see on TV people say 'why'," Johnson says. "You think, 'that's so crazy', but I want to know why she was targeted."
Johnson says her sister was last seen getting into a red pick-up truck outside a grocery story.
Christopher Johnson appeared in court two weeks ago on his latest charges, he is still in custody.
From the Chattanoogan.com site
Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office investigators are looking into new evidence involving the 2004 murder of Melissa Ward. They are also searching for the possiiblity of additional bodies near where that of Ms. Ward was found in the Tennessee River Gorge. On Thursday, prisoners helped clear a wooded area at the search site.
On Dec. 5, 2004, bones were located at 1580 Cash Canyon Road in a wooded area that were later identified through a forensic examination as belonging to Ms. Ward.
The victim had been reported missing by her family to law enforcement on Nov. 2, 2004.
Authorities said, "A ground search is being conducted of the area where Melissa Ward’s remains were located in December 2004. Interviews with persons of interest are being conducted by investigators in an attempt to bring closure to this active homicide investigation."

A month later, then-Sheriff John Cupp said it was that of 33-year-old Melissa Michelle Ward.
He said Ms. Ward had been arrested in the past on prostitution and drug charges. He said her death may have been related to association with criminals.
Sheriff Cupp said she had been murdered.
Attorney Hoss and his wife were looking at a lot near the Tennessee River that was for sale.
Monday, March 17, 2014
Missing From Chattanooga Tennessee
Name: Nely Velasquez Diaz
Date of Birth: June 30th, 2004
Age Went Missing: 5
Date Went Missing: March 5th, 2010
Age Now: 10
Gender: Female
Race: Hispanic
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Missing From: Chattanooga, Tennessee
Details: Nely was abducted by her non-custodial mother. They may be in the company of an adult male and possibly heading to Guatemala, Mexico the picture above was digitally altered to show what she might look like today.
Date of Birth: August 23rd 1973
Age Went Missing: 15
Date Went Missing: March 16th 1986
Age Now: 41
Gender: Female
Race: Black
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Missing From: Chattanooga, Tennessee
Details: Tonnetta was last seen walking home from City High School at approximately 2:55 p.m. on March 16, 1989 in Chattanooga, Tennessee. She was headed to her family's residence in the 600 block of Hamilton Avenue at the time. A witness observed Carlisle's abduction approximately one-half block from Carlisle's home at approximately 3:00 p.m. A woman on Ruth Street near Hamilton Avenue glanced up the hill and watched Carlisle walking down the street. Several unidentified suspects jumped out of a tan and yellow van, forcibly pulled Carlisle inside the vehicle and then drove away. The witness told authorities that she and her husband chased the vehicle and called law enforcement with its license number. Carlisle's mother filed a missing child report with authorities eight hours later when her daughter failed to return home. The two cases were not connected for some time. The license number of the vehicle involved in the abduction was traced back to Jeffrey Jones. Jones had been released from prison for a rape conviction shortly before Carlisle disappeared. He committed suicide and was found deceased inside his van on March 18, 1989, two days after Carlisle was last seen. There has been no trace of her since that time. Tonnetta enjoys pizza and fast food items. She liked rap music and the musical artist Bobby Brown at the time of her 1989 disappearance. Her case remains unsolved. Eyes Brown Hair Black Sex female. Now Foul play has been suspected in this case.
Name: Francis D. Cownover
Date of Birth: March 21, 1953
Age Went Missing: 34
Date Went Missing: November 26, 1987
Age Now: 61
Gender: Female
Race: Caucasian
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Hazel
Missing From: Chattanooga, Tennessee
Crownover was reported missing by her boyfriend with whom she had been living with in Hamilton County, Tennessee, for one month, on December 4, 1987. He claimed on November 26, 1987, they went to bed together and when he woke up the next morning, she was missing. He also stated he checked with her friends and no one else had seen her either.
She left a note saying she would call, but she never did. Crownover left all her clothes and most of her personal items at Duenas’s house. She had also left her vehicle, but took $200.00.
Name: Paula Michelle Burnette
September 21, 1996, Bobby Caudill, Paula's father, reports Paula missing and indicates that she was last seen on September 17, 1996 about 6:00 a.m. October 1996, Paula Burnette's driver's license was found in the 9500 block of Harrison Bay Road, Harrison, Tennessee. Two months after she was last seen, her estranged husband, Donald Ray Burnette, took an Amsouth branch bank manager and her family hostage. After driving them around the countryside all night, he forced the woman to rob her own bank. A month later, Donald Ray Burnette and an accomplice, James Travis White, were arrested. April 1997, Paula Burnette's purse/address book washed into a Chattanooga home's backyard in the Tyner community. July 1997, the Hamilton County Sheriff's Office, the Hamilton County STARS, and the Volunteer Special Tactics and Rescue Services group, searched the old Savannah Valley Water Plant.
Crownover was reported missing by her boyfriend with whom she had been living with in Hamilton County, Tennessee, for one month, on December 4, 1987. He claimed on November 26, 1987, they went to bed together and when he woke up the next morning, she was missing. He also stated he checked with her friends and no one else had seen her either.
She left a note saying she would call, but she never did. Crownover left all her clothes and most of her personal items at Duenas’s house. She had also left her vehicle, but took $200.00.
Date of Birth: June 15, 1975
Age Went Missing: 21
Date Went Missing: September 17, 1996
Age Now: 39
Gender: Female
Race: Caucasian
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Missing From: Chattanooga, Tennessee
September 21, 1996, Bobby Caudill, Paula's father, reports Paula missing and indicates that she was last seen on September 17, 1996 about 6:00 a.m. October 1996, Paula Burnette's driver's license was found in the 9500 block of Harrison Bay Road, Harrison, Tennessee. Two months after she was last seen, her estranged husband, Donald Ray Burnette, took an Amsouth branch bank manager and her family hostage. After driving them around the countryside all night, he forced the woman to rob her own bank. A month later, Donald Ray Burnette and an accomplice, James Travis White, were arrested. April 1997, Paula Burnette's purse/address book washed into a Chattanooga home's backyard in the Tyner community. July 1997, the Hamilton County Sheriff's Office, the Hamilton County STARS, and the Volunteer Special Tactics and Rescue Services group, searched the old Savannah Valley Water Plant.
Monday, March 3, 2014
Murder of Warren Ransom Body on Hooker Rd.

THE KILLER HAS BEEN ARRESTED Justice has been served.
The man is named Marcus Birt. It was an act of God that this case was solved. While he has not been officially charged...the gun and Marcus Birt's bloody clothing has been recovered. A witness said on the day the body was found that Birt was seen with a small silver firearm and he had blood on the back of his shirt and on his hands. The witness said Birt was limping. He said Birt made the statement that he was "grazed." The witness said Birt was trying to sell a car CD player, but was unable to sell it. The face from the CD player was then discarded. Police retrieved the CD player face. Police said they believe that Birt took the CD player out of the blood-covered car after killing the victim. Birt was arrested for robbery in 2002 and again in 2011. He got three-year sentences both times. Birt was arrested on Monday at his home on East 34th Street but was not charged until Thursday by the Chattanooga Police Fugitive Unit along with U.S. Marshals.
He faces charges of
- Criminal Homicide
- Especially Aggravated Robbery
- Unlawful Possession of Firearm
Theory : People are saying it was three guys. They beat him up really bad and they made him get in his car and was forcing him at gun point to drive to his house where they planned to rob him and then kill anyone inside the apartment. When Warren got to Hooker Rd he jerked his wheel and intentionally wrecked his car. When he jerked the wheel of the car Marcus Birt panicked and shot him.
Crime Stoppers,
Dark Ghost,
Hooker Rd,
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