Thursday, October 18, 2012

Dark Ghost of Chattanooga TN

Greetings to those reading this I am Dark Ghost the Masked Detective. I am a member of the Real Life Super Hero Community on the Heroes Alliance  and I am in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Now what I do is I patrol the street and parks of Chattanooga, I investigate the unsolved crimes of the city. The Chattanooga Police have many good cops but they are still outnumbered by the gangs, drug dealers, murderers, sexual predators, and muggers. Thieves who walk in to stores with guns to steal the money in the cash drawer and break into people's homes to just take what they want. I have watch the crime rate in the city slowly rise now I can no longer just stand by so I have put together a uniform, bought the gear that I needed and got a mask. Now I haunt Chattanooga's streets, alleys, and it's parks. I will see that these criminals are brought to justice, be a friend to the people of the city, and an ally to it's Police. I will watch over the city of Chattanooga from the darkness. I will do my work under the cover of the night. I will strike hard and fast then fade into the shadows. I want a Chattanooga where kids can play in the parks and their parent's do not have to fear someone will take their children. I want Chattanooga to be a place where families can feel safe in their homes again. I want a Chattanooga people can walk down the streets without fear. I am skilled in Martial arts, I have knowledge of first aid, and I have studied Criminal Justice. I do not use lethal weapons and I also carry a variety of tools.


  1. Hey you dress like him and he follows crackpot political theory too!

  2. PS jeff Styles wants you to call him on air.

  3. I come to join you. Soon...

  4. Hello Mr. Ghost. I looked at your blog and I approve of it.

  5. thank u for following the Walden case

    1. Anonymous I am doing more then following it I am investigating it. Did you know young Joshua Walden?

  6. I'll keep an eye out for you on the streets, DG!

  7. is it true crime fighters a being attacked by people in black vans around the world ?

  8. My friend and I are trying to start our own group but honestly have no clue where to start. Could you please give us any advice? Thank you for your time


  9. I am moving back to Chattanooga in February. I would like to assist in making my city a better place. I have sent a request to your FB profile. Please accept.
